Original painting commission by Camille Shu: Willamette Valley, Oregon

Hey, how’s it going?

Lindsey Morse founded Morse Code Consulting after a twenty-year career guiding established and burgeoning brands through transformational shifts in consumer behavior.

Having been at the helm of three significant industry movements; SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS and the rise of the “awakening consumer,” the OUTDOOR INDUSTRY and its evolution to modern outdoor lifestyle, and WINE as it pivots to reach a new multi-faceted generation of wine drinkers, Lindsey saw an opportunity to help clients across industries grow and thrive by embracing moments of change.

Morse Code Consulting is a values-based brand strategy firm that helps organizations apply systems thinking to develop strategic and creative marketing solutions that will future-proof, grow, and bring meaningful relevance to their brands and business.

What is a brand conductor?

If you try to play every instrument at the same time, all you hear is NOISE! Even if professional musicians try to feel their way through a complicated score, without a guide, it's not going to sound very good. Likewise, when your marketing tactics are reactionary and scattered, it's like listening to a symphony without a conductor.

When you work with Morse Code Consulting, we play the role of your brand conductor, taking the reins as needed, selecting the right strategy, building a roadmap, then dialing tactics up and down to create intentional harmonies and a standing ovation in the end.

Let’s get started!